Active Memberships
Active members are individuals and companies engaged in the production and/or sale of nursery stock located within Lake, Cuyahoga and contiguous counties. An Ohio grower’s license or dealer’s license is required. This class is also open to registered landscape architects. Active members have the right to vote and hold office.
Note: Tier levels are used for billing purposes only. They are not shown publicly.
Tier 1
$220 annually
For businesses with over $1,000,000 in annual sales
Tier 2
$110 annually
For businesses with $250,001 to $1,000,000 in annual sales
Tier 3
$90 annually
For businesses with $50,001 to $250,000 in annual sales
Tier 4
$55 annually
For businesses with up to $50,000 in annual sales
Associate Memberships
Association members are allied trades and other businesses related to the nursery industry, retired nurserymen, and licensed growers and dealers outside Lake, Cuyahoga and contiguous counties. Associate members have the right to vote and hold office, however only one associate member may hold office at one time.
$500 annually
Voting rights1
Can hold office2
Meeting advertisements
(with logo)
Table at meetings
Presentation time before meetings
$250 annually
Voting rights1
Can hold office2
Meeting advertisements
(with logo)
Table at meetings
$150 annually
Voting rights1
Can hold office2
Meeting advertisements
(plain text, no logo)
$75 annually
Voting rights1
Can hold office2
1 One vote per company on all issues
2 Up to two representatives per company can hold office